What We Believe
For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?
We believe it’s important to have a new members class at every church. These classes are supposed to be designed to give you a greater understanding of the principles, scriptural and spiritual guidelines that a community follows. The lessons are being outlined progressively in order to help with your knowledge of our church, as well as an overall knowledge of who is The God, what He teaches us and how you can praise His Name and Word
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Our Ministries
Family Ministry
To our community family is one of the main priorities. We want our children to be raised in families that foster biblical teachings and authentic friendships.
Man’s Ministry
Men’s discipline causes a better atmosphere in their families, where they can become better husbands and fathers and discipline others as an example.
Women’s Ministry
Learning about the women’s role in the church and society, maternal path and responsibilities through a wholehearted pursuit of Jesus and His Word.

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Don’t Miss
April 25, 2018
New York Central Park
Sunday Worship in New York Grand Church
The Word Was God
All My Inmost Being, Praise His Holy Name
We are the contemporaries and witnesses of the Lord’s daily re-enactment in our lives.
Love the Lord Your God with All Your Heart
If you have the idea that the Old Testament is all about external rites and…
Three Days in the Belly of a Whale
For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall…
Respect the Lord Your God with All Your Soul
Love God with all your heart. These sacred words are to be always on your…
The Son of Man Be Three Days in the Heart of Earth
The Gospels bring us to the central place of sacred words in the Scriptures: “Love…
Praise the Lord with All Your Inmost Being
Praise the Lord, with all your heart and soul and all your inmost being take…